
Me in NIN lyrics

Ok, sí, la mayoría de las personas que me conoce sabe que me encanta el Southern Rock, el Classic Rock, Hard Rock, el country entre otros tantos géneros, sin embargo, también es bien sabido que mi banda favorita es Nine Inch Nails, y muchas de sus canciones bien pueden ilustrar momentos completos de mi vida, de lo que he pasado, de lo que estoy pasando, etcétera.

Pues bien, en este post pondré algunos extractos de "letras" que explican perfectamente mi aquí y ahora en un caso muy, muy particular... Sí ya sé que esta explicación es medio mamona pero Bleh! aquí van...

"She comes along, she gets inside
She makes you better than anything you've tried

It's in her kiss, the blackest sea
And it runs deeper than you dared to dream it could be"
- With Teeth (With Teeth)-

"She turns me on
She makes it real
I have to apologize
For the way I feel "

"My life it seems has taken a turn
Why, in the name of God, would I ever want to return "

"And nothing can stop me now
There is nothing to fear
And everything I'd ever wanted
Is inside of here"
- Sunspots (With Teeth)-

"I let you put it in my mouth
I let you get under my skin
I let you pump it trought my veins
I let you take me from within'"

"I am you and you are me
We will never be alone
I have finally found my place in everything
I have finally found my home"
- Vessel (Year Zero)-

"You got something I need
Kind of dangerous"
- Me, I'm not (Year Zero)-

"You and me
We're in this together now
None of them can stop us now
We will make it through somehow
You and me
If the world should break in two
Until the very end of me
Until the very end of you"
- We're in This Together (The Fragile)-

"She shines
In a world full of ugliness
She matters
When everything is meaningless"
- The Fragile (The Fragile)-

"I'm straight, I won't crack
On my way and I can't turn back
I'm okay, I'm on track
On my way and I can't turn back
I stayed on this track
Gone too far and I can't go back"
- Even Deeper (The Fragile)-

"I can still feel you
Even so far away"
- The Great Below (The Fragile)-

Y hay taaantas otras pero de momento lo dejo aquí.

Diiiicen que les interesa lo que escribo